Quote Request
Email *
Your Name and Phone Number *
Business Name and Details *
Please let us know if you are enquiring on behalf of a customer. Direct orders accepted.
Which devices you would like support cover for? *
Please enter specific model numbers and serial numbers with number of disks with disk model numbers or type/speed
Site address/Location(s) of devices for support cover? *
What are the business service hours you need support cover for? *
If you select multiple we will provide quote options.
How quickly do you need a response or fix? *
If you select multiple we will provide quote options.
What type of fix do you need? *
If you select multiple we will provide quote options.
How long do you need support cover for? *
If you select multiple we will provide quote options.
Would you like to retain your defective media? *
Applies to replaced disks - some customers prefer to retain their defective disk/media to wipe or destroy.
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